Monday, June 13, 2011

A Perfect Weekend

"Caught in the melody, You wait in the car.
You were born with ten fingers and you're gonna use them all."

It doesn't seem like much. It's not Edinburgh or Florence. We didn't catch a Broadway Show or Bonnaroo. We just had a couple of days with no work and little pain (thumb's on the heal). We slept in and read silly books, then caught the new Dr. Who (seriously, a classic). DJ fixed the loose shingles and I spotted. On Sunday, I baked chocolate sticky pudding and my patented best-ever-chocolate chip cookies and went to Mom and Pop's for a swim and a cookout with Angie, Chyne, Logan, Joyce and Bruni. We stayed way past the witching hour learning important family lore and we came home and danced to Vampire Weekend and Merle Haggard. Life should always be so sweet.

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